Pvaas roster verification login

​Roster Verification – Pennsylvania Department of Education

​Roster Verification

Roster verification is a process used to provide PVAAS teacher-specific reporting based on accurate data. This process is for teachers and administrators to …

PVAAS – Pennsylvania Department of Education – PA.GOV


Districts and schools can access data via the PVAAS websiteOpens In A New Window using a unique login and password. The public can access PVAAS through the same …

PVAAS Login Page – Catasauqua Area School District

PVAAS Login Page

Home · Academics · Differentiated Supervision & Teacher Evaluation; PVAAS Roster Verification … PVAAS Login Page. https://pvaas.sas.com/ …

SAS® EVAAS – pvaas

Jun 21, 2022 — Log in to PVAAS to verify and submit your rosters. If you have already verified and submitted your rosters, disregard this email. During this …

SAS® EVAAS – pvaas

In generating teacher-specific reporting, the test administration for which the teacher verified instructional responsibility will determine which score(s) are …


The roster verification process can be accessed through the EVAAS website. Teachers, principals, and central office staff members will log in with the same user …

EVAAS Roster Verification

If teachers are in the system but have a red indicator beside their name, they do not have a login to access their rosters. This needs to be corrected at …

Frequently Asked Questions-Roster Verification

Faculty access the appropriate class roster from within the Attendance Tracker in My Claflin. 2. Why do I need to verify my class rosters? The verification of …

Keywords: pvaas roster verification login